
Declaration: Messin' with Paint

Hey everyone,

FYI--this post is going to be random incarnate.

So, while scolling through the picture archives on my computer I came across a little typography piece that I did via the paint program on my computure (high-tech, I know). I just thought I'de share it to let you know how crazy and impulsive that I can be. For me, I am driven by the 'what ifs' in life, the grand sheme of things, if you will. This often drives people crazy, especially Krystin, and Jana, my supervisor at work. Anyways, the piece is comprised of some of the core founding fathers of Sociology, when you find my addition please know that I am not concieted, but rather that I had just declared my undergraduate major and wanted a personal reminder to stick with it. This graphic keeps me honest, focused and my academic fire burning. I don't know exactly why, but images are what work for me. I'm a visual learner.

Fun fact: before I declared my major as Sociology with a double minor in Political Science and Criminal Justice I was an Art Major (though this quick piece probably doesn't portray that all too well, lol.)

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