
This is the tattoo gallery. The place where I post my tattoos, friends' tattoos, and family members' too. I also try and include the significance and symbolism of each tattoo as described by the holder.

Note: I've designed and co-designed a couple tattoos, including my own. I'm currently sketching foot tattoos for both Krystin (Demain n'est jamais promis, which is French for: tomorrow is never promised) and my Mom (a breast cancer survivor ribbon).

I'll start with my own ink.
Summer 2009: House of Tattoos, Laconia, NH
Yours Truely
I got my koi during the summer of 2009 to commemorate the physical and spiritual transformation that I had undergone a couple of years before when I lost 75lbs. and really got motivated to achieve. I used to be extremely passive and apathetic, and now would describe myself as very passionate. The koi is a pretty cliche tattoo and a lot of people have them, which caused some reservation at first. The fact that koi fish represent so much, e.g. passion, endurance, aspiration and renewal were too much for me to resist because the purpose of the tattoo was to do my transformation justice. I hope you like it. I named him Kennedy, as I have a deep admiration for each of the brothers and their political ideologies.

2010: Somewhere in Alaska
Josh LaPlant
This is my best friend Josh's second Tattoo and is a compliment to his first. He generally is into bio-mechanical designs and this fits in with that theme. B.T.W. Josh is an amateur mixed-martial artist and an 11b soldier with the 3-509th airborne combat team, 25th infantry division stationed up in Anchorage, Alaska.

2009: Mom's Tattoo, Keene, NH
Andrew Starkey
Circle of life, enough said. A nice first tattoo that Starkey, a Graphic Design major, helped design himself.

2008: Twilight Tattoo, Keene, NH
Matt Kohler
Kohler decided that Freshman year was the best time to get a tat, most of us agreed. A nice, genuine Celtic cross and nod to his heritage.

P.S. Kohler was the bassist in Siobhan Magnus' Band (6th place in American Idol this season) when they went to high school together on the cape before her rise to fame.

2010: Again, Somewhere in Alaska
Josh LaPlant
This is Josh's fourth and newest tattoo, and at this point just an outline. The three-headed wolf is a variation of the Greek mythological creature known as Cerberus. The lettering above spells out Lily-Ann, the name of Josh's five-month-old daughter who was born during his basic training. Josh is heading back to New Hampshire from Fort Richardson, Alaska in a couple of weeks, and Lily's finally going to meet her Dad!